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VQ16 takes off in Switzerland

Check this out…. A VQ16 was recently hoisted 2140 metres above sea level into the Swiss sky for the groovy Zermatt-Ibiza Après Ski Party. The cool water scooter was…

… a real conversation starter among guests at the stunning restaurant Chez Vrony in the Zermatt Mountains, most of whom were staying at the CERVO Mountain Boutique Resort in Zermatt (click here for CERVO) for the occasion. The VQ16 was moved by helicopter to her perch in view of the fabled Matterhorn – a promotional coup and a spectacular sight in its own right. You can see the incredible video here.

Ibiza meets Zermatt

This sparkling party was organised by top Swiss celebrity chef René Schudel, a big VQ Yachts fan who enjoys combining his love of Ibiza (where he keeps his boat) and Zermatt in this annual event. A number of top acts added to the attraction of the event in Chez Vrony, one of the few restaurants to serve organic home produce from livestock raised solely on alpine grass. Click here for Chez Vrony.

Transformed from a small, spartan mountain farmhouse to a multiple-award-winning gourmet destination, the restaurant embodies the living history of a Zermatt family going back 100 years. Look out for this year’s VQ Yachts Lifestyle magazine, which will include a full-length feature on the car-free Zermatt resort and the true alpine hospitality on offer.

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