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Maybe the best yacht movie ever..

After spending three years of hard work developing our brand, it’s fair to say that VQ Yachts has achieved a high level of recognition within its target group. The time was right for a brand video that presents our story in a unique way. As VQ Yachts aims to be a frontrunner in everything we do, we opted to make a film using the very latest developments in video production. Combing existing images, new material and lots of animation, we may well have created one of the most impressive yacht movies seen to date!

The new VQ Yachts video

The new VQ Yachts video showcases in a creative way our promise and brand features:
1. Dutch custom builds in aluminium, making everything possible.
2. Unprecedented and eye-catching designs.
3. Driver’s boat with perfect course holding.

The success of VQ Yachts is based on these three pillars. They are not empty brand values but the main features in which we believe and aim to excel, both now and in the future.

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