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New dealer in Greece

We are delighted to announce our new dealer in Athens (Greece) who has already sold a VQ43 Mk2 to be delivered in June. The first new Vanqraft 16 will also be presented there soon. This is an exciting time for us as VQ Yachts was not yet present among the Greek isles and we see a great deal of potential in the region in the coming years.

First Quality Yachts International Ltd (FQY) is a yachting, tourism and leisure company based in Cyprus and Greece with activities around the Med. It was founded by Haris Tsochas, an experienced yachtsman with broad knowledge of the industry. With the input and enthusiasm of his partners VNK Capital, and supported by Makis, Vassilis and the rest of his team, Haris is aiming to turn FQY into a leading player in all aspects of yachting, including commercial (sales and brokerage), charter, hosting and management.

“At FQY we are dedicated to ensuring that VQ yacht owners will enjoy cruising their boat around our unique waters, feeling totally at home in this lovely part of the world,” says Haris. “We currently have offices in Athens, Mykonos and the Sani Resort in Khalkidhiki (northern Greece). From there we provide a first-class service to clients during their cruising time, assisting them with everything from an emergency situation to finding to a unique taverna by the sea.”

Haris sees the new partnership between FQY and VQ Yachts as a unique opportunity in the high sector of the market. “VQ design and technology, the blend of materials with fine styling and the top-of-the-range lifestyle a VQ yacht offers perfectly match FQY’s desire to only work with the very best!”

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